hi I've spent a year probably actually
even a little bit more than a year
researching what top digital marketers
are doing their content and their drive
is what makes them unique and that's
hard to duplicate but there is a common
denominator to them they all have four
tools that is at the core of their
online business and allow me to share my
findings with you in just a moment let's
do it so what are the four key
components of a modern professional
online business here in the 2020s which
is perfect for teachers trainers coaches
authors artists DIY experts marketers
gamers cooks and anyone with skills and
knowledge to share number one they need
their WordPress website it's a website
you need hosting for it and once you get
hosting you can install WordPress number
two and you need a theme to turn your
website into like a major marketing tool
and there's only a few out there that's
really really good and thrive teams is
the one identified as being the best
it's a suite of plugins and software
that turns your WordPress website into a
professional marketing outfit and it's
also very affordable so that's number
two and number three you need your email
automation software although a wordpress
can hold emails it's not a full-on email
marketing software it's very limited you
need a professional email automation
service and again I've identified
activecampaign as the best fully
featured affordable email software
around so that's number three and number
four you need a membership access plugin
to turn your WordPress website into an
even greater income generator for you
membership plugins integrate with
payment gateways like PayPal so you can
automatically give access to your
restricted content after people pay for
it membership sites allow you to
leverage your non
and become recognized as an expert think
of it this way if you had a really bad
toothache who would you trust more to
fix you up a dentist who charges a
couple hundred dollars or a dentist will
do it for free exactly the one who
charges as an expert you can give away
say half your content but you must
reserve them more in depth more valuable
more special content for your paying
followers they will pay because they
understand that they will be getting
better information and service from you
so those four parts of the online
business are what I'm preaching to
people that they need to create a strong
fully featured online business for
themselves so that they can take their
expertise their passion their their
charm their knowledge in certain areas
that make them unique and share it with
the world and they can earn money on the
side or even replace their full-time
income and even make more way more than
what they are being paid in the previous
job allow me to offer you free access to
my exclusive or premium content which
goes into more in-depth training and
examples of how to use the service like
the pros if you haven't purchased yet
then simply use my link right before you
buy and it won't cost you an extra cent
and if I do get the referral credit for
your purchase I'll be so appreciative to
know that you support my efforts and
I'll be more than happy to give you
access to my exclusive content courses
assets pertaining to this software or
service thanks
oh it's cannot express on that you mean
to me
there must be some other way to make you
see are you to me everything this witty
song that I can sing all baby