hi in this video we are going to install
the most recent
version of php which is a programming
wordpress is based on so i just received
this email from my hosting company
and they are telling me to update my php
version because it's outdated it's no
longer supported
the reason why you need to update your
php is to make your site run faster and
also more secure and harder to hack into
the php version i'm using is 7.0 for
this particular website
and they're now up to 7.4 so i need to
update that
and it's a little scary because you
don't know what changes
will occur to your website when you
update something like the
the main program language so let me show
you how to do it
also update wordpress and also update my
let's do it
this is the website that we're talking
about this is using an
old php version about one to two years
and i haven't touched this site for
quite a while
i made it for a relative let me show you
the dashboard in wordpress
okay so i'm using a theme called
rockstar that needs updating as well
wordpress needs updating as well so
there's three things we're updating
php wordpress and this theme but it's
really recommended before doing any
you've got to back up your website
so the tool i use to back up my website
called updraft plus backups
and it's free there's a paid version but
you don't really need the paid version
unless you're doing more advanced
backups so what i did was click backup
then it created my files for database
plugins themes uploads and others these
are separate files
that this website is built upon the
information is in here
and i downloaded them to my computer
so i have a backup now i can proceed
with the updates
so updating php is not within the
dashboard you'll have to go into your
hosting plan
i use a hosting plan called ionos by
and this is the domain that needs the
updating for php
you see that it's 7.0 so i'm going to
7.4 recommended it's supported until
2022 so i click that
i would suppose the different hosting
plans will have a different way to do
this but
it's basically part of your hosting
control panel you just have to find
where you can configure your
php version so that's it i'm just going
to select
7.4 and save
check your website now sometimes
websites are not compatible with all
php versions oh okay do your websites
work properly
okay let's check it
update phew i think it works
so that was easy um now to update
wordpress you go into your wordpress
and you see i'm being notified that
wordpress 5.5 is available
so i'll just click update now
an updated version of wordpress is
available click here
okay updating of wordpress is done i've
now got
version 5.5 on this website let's check
if the website's working
refresh click another link
looks good okay now
i'll just have to update the theme
which is called rockstar this was a free
okay and the link to update it is right
here update now
okay that was fast let's check the site
see if everything's fine
okay in just a matter of minutes we've
php wordpress and
my theme and everything seems to be
working fine
tags: update your php version,upgrade php,update php,php update wordpress,wordpress php version,how to update php,how to update php wordpress,php version,php 7,php 7.1,php 7.2,php 7.3,php 7.4,php 7.5,change php version,recommended php version,wordpress update,wordpress upgrade,how to make wordpress faster,upgrade wordpress to php 7,upgrade to php 7 wordpress,upgrade php to 7,upgrade php version wordpress,upgrade php version,