in this lesson we are going to choose a
domain for free and register it on a
reliable fast and probably the most
affordable host out there
Bluehost they've been around a long time
and are trusted by many of the world's
top bloggers and online marketers I'm
going to show you what I think is the
best plan the cheapest plan for those
just starting out with a blog the more
you save on your hosting choice the more
you will have for other tools that will
professionalize your website okay we're
going to use the Chrome browser and
we're going to open a guest window we're
launching a guest window because we want
to do this fresh and I do this because
there's a little trick that can maximize
the discount you're going to receive by
registering this way okay let's go to
sharing your passion calm and let's
click deals this is where I place all my
deals and it's all the software I use
for this website and also I have
affiliate partnerships with them so if
they've given me discounts to offer but
let's click this learn more right now
it's showing Canadian so let's click USD
US dollar so the sale price right now is
50% it's 50% off about $8 so that's
three dollars and ninety five cents a
month and you have a 30 day money back
guarantee you get your domain for free
for the first year and you have free SSL
certificate included which means you can
run your website in a HTTPS or a secure
socket layer or encrypted or any way but
it's a security feature that you want
because I believe all search engines
trust websites that run on HTTPS on
encryption than not and that means
you'll have better SEO search engine
optimization if you do and there's a
one-click wordpress install 24/7 support
ok so let's get started let's click the
they have four plans here but really
it's the basic plan we are after if
you're just starting out this is good
enough and it's the most affordable you
get one website storage unmetered
bandwidth SSL one included domain you
can park five domains and you can have
twenty-five subdomains we don't really
need all these other ones except one
thing over here there's this domain
privacy protection that's what we want
it's not included in the basic but we
really want that to prevent spam and
I'll explain that in a little bit that's
the only thing we need to add to this
plan so let's go ahead and select the
basic plan so this brings up the page
where we select a domain hopefully
you've already done a lot of thought
into finding a domain name and it's
available and so we're ready to register
it for example let's do special dash
for example this is the domain I wanted
special if you already have a
domain name you can enter it here but
most likely you might not have so let's
create a new domain and let's click Next
and so this is the one page registration
form it's pretty simple name country
address phone number email the plan you
want some package extras and the payment
information okay so that's it once
you've done this you will have your
domain and registration done and you can
start your blog let's look at the
account plans and we have the basic for
12 months pricing is five dollars 95 a
month if you pay for the full year if
you pay for twenty four months two years
it will average out to $4.95 a month and
if you pay for thirty six months up
front that's three years you'll average
out to three dollars and ninety five
cents that's the price we saw earlier
and that's a really good price I mean
that's the price of one
cup of coffee and you get 1 months of a
hosting and a domain by the way the
domain is free for the first year and on
that second and third year if you buy
the thirty-six months then you have to
pay around fifteen dollars each year
remember earlier we launched a guest
window in Chrome it's kind of like a
incognito window for Firefox and the
reason why we do that is we're going to
see if you can get a further discount
from this already good price of 50% off
the simple trick here is to pretend we
are exiting this page and let's see what
happens okay let's try it let's bring
our mouse to the edge of the browser to
pretend we're exiting this this sales
page and let's see what happens here
goes there it goes
so it thought we were going to leave
because maybe we weren't ready just yet
and this is what they do to give you an
incentive to buy it right now they're
going to offer you this fantastic deal
now it's down to two dollars and 65
cents a month that's 66 percent off so
that's what you call like an exit sales
offer just to get you to buy today and
you should buy today because who knows
if they'll ever offer this kind of
pricing in the future this offer doesn't
show up every time because I tried this
on a normal Chrome browser not the guest
window and sometimes I wouldn't show up
it probably had something to do with the
cookies and also I tried it with Firefox
and also Firefox's incognito browser or
window page and it wouldn't show up I
think that incognito in Firefox has
something to do with blocking this kind
of feature so yeah I don't know why but
it it seemed to work with Chrome's guest
window hopefully you have chrome to do
this in it might be because Chrome's
guest window just allows this kind of
pop up while Firefox didn't allow it so
I'm not quite sure but it worked most of
the time for me when I did this trick
on Chrome's guest window so let's clean
the savings that means we're only paying
34% of the full price and it's for 3
years you want to lock this in for 3
years because that's the best price
you'll ever get and also because you
want a three-year commitment out of
yourself to work on this online business
this blog this this new venture most
likely one year and even a year and a
half is not going to really get some
big-time result you're gonna need the
full three years to really get very
significant income out of this and
momentum not only do you want the best
pricing and it's also your commitment to
stick it out for at least three years
because that's you really need about a
three year period to set yourself up if
you look at a lot of the successful
influencers and bloggers and you check
when they've started they started 10
years ago some of them started 5 years
ago and the very lucky ones story just
maybe two years ago so three years is
really a minimum timeframe to get your
business running of course we're gonna
try to make things happen in in a few
months and six months and a year but
three years is really the minimum for
you know a commitment to yourself to
make this work out so there's no problem
committing to three years okay so we're
back to this page but now we haven't
updated pricing see the 12 month is now
495 the 24 month two years is three
ninety five and the thirty six month
three years is $2 sixty-five cents I
mean that that's an unbeatable deal you
can't beat this so you might as well do
it so it's going to cost $95 that's
really really good on the package extras
and again you get your domain for free
for the first year you have to pay for
the second third year remember that and
we have the encrypt SSL
over here okay in this package extras
section they pre-selected three items
but we only need this domain privacy
protection it's only 99 cents per month
billed annually so that's pretty much
twelve dollars what this does is very
important it hides your contact
information from the public normally
when you register a domain name it's
required by law to have all your contact
information displayed and you can find
that out by using who is in Google and
the bad thing with that is if your
contact information is out there that
means your full name your address your
phone number and your email is public
there's a lot of you know telemarketers
or email markers out there that grab
this and will send you you know a bunch
of emails and a bunch of random calls
throughout the day you definitely want
to hide your contact information and
this is the feature that does it what
we'll show is the Bluehost email and
address and phone number so your
information is nowhere to be found
I've seen a few other marketers out
there say you don't need this you can
add that later but no I found that if
you don't start with this and you
register your domain your contact
information will be put out there and
there's websites out there that archive
that information and you can find it and
for example one month later you say I'm
going to buy this domain privacy and
protection at that point your contact
information is hidden but those sites
that archive the information is still
out there showing your contact
information publicly so you have to do
this at this step at the point of
registration that's very important if
you don't want random calls throughout
the day and a bunch of email spam going
your way these other features that are
pre-selected you don't need and there's
no use to explain those so let's get rid
of that and this code guard get rid of
you don't need these other things okay
so your total savings for today is a
hundred ninety two dollars that's sixty
six percent off and all you have to pay
today for three years is a hundred seven
and twenty-eight cents that's a really
good deal for three years of hosting so
all you have to do is complete that and
your payment information if you don't
want to pay by credit card you can click
here and PayPal will show up as an
option and then finally all you have to
do is read and agree to the Terms of
Service and submit and there you go okay
once you've submit that and everything
checks out you will be taken to a
confirmation or congratulations page and
you're almost done you should open up
another browser window to check your
emails so you can check the email they
send you and you need to click that
button for verify your email and that's
it it'll take you to a page it says your
email is now verified then go back to
the other window where you have the
congratulations page of registering and
from there all you have to do is create
your password and you're pretty much all
set oh yeah just make sure you save your
password hopefully you have something
like what I use as a password app to
save all my my registrations and
I used ashleen I really recommend it
after this you're ready to login and you
can start your blog and that pretty much
is it in registering your domain and
getting a host plan and the next step is
to log in and install WordPress so that
just about does it for this lesson where
we got a domain for free for one year
and we started a three-year host plan
for a really really good discount of 66%
for three years at one hundred and seven
dollars I can't really think of any
business you can start with this little
amount of money it's a little bit of a
commitment from you and it gets you
you're rolling towards setting up your
blog in your website and making it
professional and if you've done this I
congratulate you for taking that big
big step this is that first big step one
takes towards an online business is to
get your domain and get it hosted and
then you can start everything else from
that great job I hope you found this
useful and if so please give the video a
like let me know down in the comment
section below if you have other
questions that I haven't addressed and
I'll certainly get back to you as soon
as I can
I'll be doing more videos like this so
subscribe and click the notification
bell to see those and remember it's my
mission to give you the tools and
inspiration to help you build your
online business and transform your
passion into success thank you