let's use and review via Meeker let's do
it it's a video editor that tik-tok
bought a year or two ago and I believe
it's because they just wanted to add
more advanced editing features although
it's separate from tik-tok or maybe at
some point they're going to emerge the
two services and make tik-tok have a
much better video editing experience
which right now it's kind of difficult
but it's it's doable but it's not as
advanced as something like this via
maker so let's open up via maker add a
new project okay i've imported some
photos and videos
these are stock videos i got from
somewhere maybe unsplash or pixabay or
something like that let me pick three
videos this one as an intro this one and
this one three videos so it brought all
three videos into the timeline let's
trim these a little to make it shorter
it's very easy I'll trim just drag the
left side over or the right side over
let's drag the right side over just make
that a little intro you can also use
split down here which is not available
in tik-tok here it's available and this
last video clip here that's a little too
long let's clip that highlight it and
drag let's clip the end of it okay so my
video is now about 27 28 seconds long if
we played this it will look like this
it just went into this clip without any
transitions let's add a transition right
here click that and I'll just say mix
okay it with the check on the bottom
right where you play that section with
the transition and there you go it
nicely mixed into the new clip let's add
also a transition here let's just stay
with the mix okay the next thing I want
to add is an overlay this is something
that tik-tok cannot do because it's a
single track editor here you can have
multiple tracks and you do that by
clicking here
overlay down here I'm gonna add
something into this clip going to
overlay something there I can click the
plus sign down here and you can choose
what image photo or video to overlay I
will overlay this one right here and and
I can adjust the size of this overlay
you can make it maybe half the size drag
it to a corner and also adjust the
opacity meaning how transparent it looks
by clicking here opacity dragging this
down and see how it's less opaque
checkmark done right and also let's add
animation let's highlight that clip and
animation down here in and let's just
add a fade in there you go
adjust the duration slide this to the
right you can see how it lights up part
of the front part of that clip to bring
in the animation fade in and click the
check let's review that
here comes the overlay okay so it's
fancy kind of editing which you really
can't do in tick-tock now let us shorten
this overlay clip okay and then okay
let's add an overlay picture here click
the plus sign here and go to photos
let's overlay this dog picture select it
on the top right it's selected and add
on the bottom now we can drag it over
maybe she's thinking about her puppy as
she works out pinched to make it smaller
and let's adjust the opacity again turn
it down a little bit
67% check let's give it an animation
feed in okay in make it a little longer
check next let's add some text let's go
over here out of text summer here let's
go back to the main area click the left
arrow here okay now we're in the main
let's click text down here on the lower
left text add text not sticker let's
just say working out click the down
arrow over here so this is our text and
click it again and we can add some style
to it we can change the font over here
Barlowe italics so let's go with Barlowe
here you can change the style to
pre-made styles like this that that
there's some nice ones here really good
combinations if you wanted to you could
add effects say you want it really fancy
like that or like this so many styles to
choose from there okay let's just go
with that and let's add a bubble
click this bubble here
let's say this or this yeah that looks
good and you can drag that over here
let's try an animation let's let it
slide left that's just a duration check
okay so we've added videos overlays
pictures text let's see how it looks now
let's add a sound or a music to it let's
go to the left-arrow get to our main
area click audio here sounds let's just
pick something random travel let's try
this new X add that so it's added that
sound or music and let's trim this to
the end of the video the other thing I
want to do is since this is meant for
tik-tok let's change the format or the
canvas of our video usually when you're
using this editor you're trying to make
it for a tick-tock or a mobile type of
platform click the left left format
right here right now it's on fit if I do
9 by 16 it look like that 3 by 4 1 by 1
square it's doing 9 by 16 and then let's
zoom in to fill up the screen here what
about this one zoom in again here our
format is fine for the text click the
text and let's move this down here make
it bigger for the puppy I think we have
to go to overlay click the puppy now we
can shrink I think we're done for just
this random video we're creating
we're just playing around with via maker
back to the main slide over to the
beginning play
okay so it ended with this via maker tap
to edit text so let's get rid of that
you just click it here and delete so now
it ends right there we're ready to
render this into a video file so you
just click that up arrow here on the top
right that will create your video file
it's exporting the video and you have to
keep this app open while it's doing this
so you don't interrupt the export and
it's done so now let's go to our gallery
and watch that video we just need play
so this is a great editor to help you
make more advanced tic toc or mobile app
type of videos and that concludes this
video I just want to let you know that
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