hi in this video we will use an actual
photo for our profile picture in our
WordPress website so that when you
comment it won't look like this it will
look like this hi welcome to sharing
your passion calm this is chill and
let's get it on
okay today I was prompted to think about
using a picture for my profile because
somebody commented on my blog and when I
responded I looked at my response and it
shows that blank profile picture the
default profile picture which is not the
most professional so it's been a few
months since I've launched my site and I
don't have a profile picture yet so
today I'll do that so let's go over here
and click here you can either click your
name or edit my profile it takes you to
the dashboard where your profile user is
and scroll down and here profile picture
see it's blank and it says you can
change your profile picture on Gravatar
so WordPress does not directly allow you
to upload your picture without any
additional plugins there are plugins
that you can use to control this but I
don't want to use another plug-in to you
know clutter up my WordPress dashboard
so I'll just let this default system
work for me and it's called Gravatar so
click that this was developed by
wordpress.com the makers of WordPress
they have a central system where you can
create your avatar your Gravatar and you
can use that whenever you comment in
your own blog or other people's blogs so
it's a it's a convenient way to just use
one profile picture for multiple
websites but of course it also makes it
inconvenient for you to just upload your
photo in your WordPress without using
Gravatar so anyway we'll just use their
system Gravatar and you need to create
an account click here create your own
Gravatar and my email is this choose a
username choose a password then click
that ok so I submitted my information
and we have this we sent you a
confirmation email note and I'm going to
check my email now here's the email
activate the count
okay email is confirmed okay so our
wordpress.com account is set up and
let's change our avatar let's go over
here click that avatar icon just give it
your name and about me and now I'm going
to click this click to change a photo it
opens up a window so you can browse your
laptop or computer for your photo and I
have it here open that you can change
the framing of this it's pretty much
maxed out already click change my photo
and there you go my photo is now showing
up on wordpress.com account and now
let's head on over back to my website my
WordPress website and see if this
Gravatar is being used well there it is
it's already being used immediately
after you upload your photo into the
wordpress.com site and use that as your
Gravatar now if i comment on another
website not my own website this profile
picture will show up also on those