transition or an audio transition to
multiple video clips in one go if you
are creating a medium to large video
with a lot of the same transitions used
for many Clips you will really
appreciate this tip and your hand and
fingers will thank you for it let me
show you how in a moment let's do it
okay here we are
in DaVinci Resolve at a tab or edit page
and let's click effects library we have
video transitions and audio transitions
what I want to point out first before we
apply any transitions to multiple Clips
I just want to show you what the default
transitions are if you go to video
transitions right here where the red
mark is that's the defaulted transition
video transition and it's the cross
dissolve which I like I like this cross
dissolve effect it's very easy on the
eyes and for audio transitions let's
click audio transitions and the red mark
here shows that the crossfade 0 decibels
is the default you can change this by
selecting another one say that crossfade
negative 3 decibels you just right click
that and set it as the standard
transition see now a change to that same
thing with the video transitions if you
want the blur dissolve to be the default
just right-click it and set a standard
transition but let me get back to the
cross dissolve as the default set a
standard okay so now we've set our
default transitions let me zoom into the
timeline to make it a little easier to
work with by clicking the plus here so
there was no transition going from here
to here right it went straight from that
to that
no transitions normally when you add a
transition say
the video transition you drag it from
here let's select a cross-dissolve and
drag it right there to the middle of the
two clips now you'll have a cross
dissolve transition let's play that okay
if you're working on a large project
with a lot of clips and if you want the
same video transition for all of them to
connect all your clips you're going to
have to drag that to there that to there
that to there that to there and as you
know if you're working on a large
project your hands will start getting
tired you're gonna start suffering from
like the carpal syndrome tunnel whatever
you call it your hands and figures want
to take a break but to make this easier
to help you out with those bigger
projects with the same transitions and
multiple Clips all we have to do to make
it easy on your hands and your time is
one command you want to select a range
of Clips you want to add the transitions
to so here let's add it to all of these
so I'm just going to click somewhere
here and create a rectangle to encompass
the entire selection and now if I do
ctrl T for transitions BAM it just added
all the default video transitions
between each video clips and added the
audio transition crossfade negative
three to the audio clips in one go I
mean that was so easy right
and there's two other ways to do it let
me do a control Z to undo now if you
only want to do the video transitions
it's not ctrl T it is alt T and it added
the default transition of cross-dissolve
to the video portion of the clips it did
not add the audio transitions I'm going
to control Z out of that and do and for
some reason if you wanted to add just
only the audio transitions to the entire
group so select it again and just do a
shift T shift T BAM now only the audio
transitions were added between each
that's it that is how easy it is to
apply your transitions to multiple clips
okay let me show you what it looks like
in full-screen after I've applied the
cross dissolve to all these clips
let's click control F for fullscreen and
play it see the transition another
transition dissolve okay so that's how
it works I hope this helps you save time
and also helps give your arms fingers
and hand a bit of a rest and that
concludes this video I just want to let
you know that's my goal my driving
purpose to help people turn their
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I've identified the tools and techniques
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