hi I'm Chil from sharing your passion
calm my mission is to help you transform
your passions into success in this
tutorial we are going to take this green
screen talking head of me and turn it
into a dynamic video with different
image backgrounds and a moving video
background we will be using DaVinci
Resolve 16 the best completely free
highly advanced video editor okay here
we are in the Vinci resolve sixteens
edit page or edit tab the first thing we
need to do is bring in our assets our
videos and images okay so here we go I
have six items I just have to drag it
into our media pool there they are now
that we have our assets our graphics and
videos in our media pool we can drag our
main green screen video down to the
track okay
our timeline okay so it's in video one
but you know what it shouldn't be in
video one it should be in video two we
need to bring the green screen up
another layer to video two but there's
no video two so we just right-click this
area add track created the video - and
let's drag this up let's play this in
this exercise we don't need the audio so
I'm going to click the M here to mute it
so this is our main green screen video
okay so the next thing we need to do is
turn this green screen background into a
transparency and we can do that by going
here in the color tab color page this
page looks pretty intimidating there's a
lot of stuff going on here but we don't
need all this stuff right now all we
need is to turn the green background
into a transparency so what we need to
do is go over here this is the node
window I'm not going to explain the
details about nodes right now all we
need to do is just turn that to
transparency so just go here right click
and add alpha output an alpha is like a
layer that you can turn into a
transparency and what we need to do is
drag this blue dot here over to here
connect it to the output this is input
this is output what happens in the
middle are all the effects we can add to
this clip so all we're doing here is
adding a transparency so next make sure
this dropper is highlighted left click
it's highlighted make sure this dropper
with the target there is highlighted and
now click the green screen area I'm just
going to give it one click here so what
that did is select the green areas that
were similar to the point we clicked
here but because there were other darker
greens or lighter greens going on it
only selected a narrow area a narrow
range of greenness where we clicked so
what we have to do is expand the green
range that we want we can do that by
going down here and adjusting the hue
saturation and luminance okay let's do
that by going over here see that's a
narrow band of green that was selected
we need to expand that by dragging this
to the left see that now there's more
green being captured so let's bring it
to about there so look at that now we
have a really clear-cut green area but
there's some stuff here that's remaining
we can probably catch that through
adjusting the saturation and luminance
so let's drag this saturation to the
left ok it caught that see if we go too
narrow and there's a lot of green that
it doesn't capture but if we go wider
then it caught that and we don't even
need to adjust the luminance so
but just to show you if I drag this
around play with it it will affect
things so in other situations with
different lighting different green
backgrounds you might need to adjust all
three until you you capture all the
green range you want so that's pretty
clean so what we've done is capture all
the green areas we wanted to get rid of
but what's showing is only the green
part what we want to do is reverse it we
want this area to show and the green to
disappear and we can reverse that by
clicking this little icon here there you
go so now I'm showing and all the green
stuff is gone and it's perfect so let's
go back over to the Edit Page okay we're
now back in the Edit page and let's play
this so all the green areas are gone the
only thing you can notice are a little
bit of greenness around the edges of my
face and ears and you could probably fix
that going back to the color page but
you know what that's fine it's probably
not going to be a big deal let's bring
the playhead back here so the next step
let's bring our four images down let's
highlight all four of them drag it down
to video one and look at that now we
have a background let's play this
that looks pretty good and now let's
bring down our video background okay
right over here let's mute this we don't
need the audio of the video let's play
this from this point and there we have
it we now have a video background as
well I disappeared because the
green-screen talking head was only up to
this point and the video background
extended beyond it
so what we can do is just cut that off
by bringing the playhead here
highlighting the video background and
control B to cut with the blade
highlight this section and delete now we
have a matching ending okay let's go
back to the beginning and play this with
the images and the video background
okay with the brick with the wood and
now that video coming in there you go so
that's how the green screen effect works
in da Vinci in some cases you want your
talking head right there this size big
and in the center but in other cases you
want it small off to the corner either
here here any corner but resize down to
a smaller talking head so that's what
we're gonna do now normally you resize
images or graphics by controlling the
zoom let's highlight this talking head
video here and now we can control the
zoom I can make it bigger by dragging it
to the right the X to the right or I can
make it smaller by dragging it to the
left but now it's making the whole frame
smaller the background is not shrinking
but the visible area has shrunk so we
need to take another step to avoid this
problem let's set the zoom back to 1:1
enter and we have to go back to the
color panel the color tab click this
around icon here it's the window icon
see window select the rectangle or
square here and now we have to resize
this rectangle around our talking head
there's two ways to resize one uses
ingredient this is the outer edge the
outer dots let me drag this outer dot
and you can see it's a gradient the
opacity is full here and it fades out
but we don't want that we want the full
opacity so let's bring that back what we
have to do is drag the inner dots around
our profile around our talking head so
let's drag that down can't drag this
over here and drag that up there drag
this here okay I think that's good let's
go back to the Edit tab and now when I
adjust the zoom drag to the right drag
to the left and it's no longer cutting
off the
edges of the screen so it's only
controlling the area we highlighted in
the color tab so now we can resize this
down change the position I'll drag the X
to the right and the Y down to the left
which brings it down a little more over
to the right okay so now my talking head
is smaller out of the way and now we
have this whole area to focus on let's
play this okay so now you can highlight
this section here you can have text or
other kinds of information going on in
the middle and your talking head is just
to the side before we end this I noticed
one little problem in some of the images
not in this image this image is full
size but when you get over to this next
image there's some black areas showing
that means the resolution or the aspect
ratio of this image wasn't filling up
the sixteen by nine screen this is
probably a four by three aspect so it's
not filling out the full sixteen by nine
image it's an easy fix
let's just increase the timeline zoom
here by clicking the plus two times and
let's go over here and all we have to do
is select this image and zoom in okay
I'm dragging it to the right until it
fills up the space okay the next one
next image again it's smaller aspect
ratio that's not covering the full image
it's why the black area showing let's
zoom in for that highlight the brick
zoom in okay and highlight the wood over
here change the timeline back here and
zoom in okay so now I think this is
perfect let's run this from the
we have the lounge now we have the brick
could have nice stuff going on here nice
imagery or text going on and we have the
video moving background and there we go
that's how we do green screen effect or
chrome effect in DaVinci Resolve 16