in this lesson we are going to create
the typewriter text effect something
like this where it looks like the
letters are being typed individually
this gives your viewers something to
follow with their eyes and holds their
attention better than static text
DaVinci Resolve calls this to write on
effect hi welcome to sharing your
passion calm this is chill and let's get
it on okay here we are in DaVinci
Resolve this is version 16 so first
thing let's go to titles under toolbox
and go to text plus drag that into the
timeline okay it comes with the default
title so let's just paste in whatever
text we want I have a nice quote from
Maya Angelou and I've pasted it on as
you can see the text goes way over here
so what I do is resize the font down and
then I go over to the text box go to the
beginning press home here bring the
cursor over here and add a carriage
return and so that's that amount of
space I'll go here again add a carriage
return another one for and another so it
looks fine if I want a almost full page
effect here so you can resize this by
dragging this cursor here let's say
that's good enough and a new feature
that DaVinci Resolve added in the
previous version version 15 was this
text plus effect which allows for some
animation and that feature here is
called right on so look at this if I
drag this left handle around you can see
the words start to disappear from the
left and if I do it from the right
it'll disappear from the right okay for
some reason this right on feature
doesn't work well in this edit page so
what we need to do is go to the fusion
page which is here okay if you don't see
anything here click on keyframes now we
see our text and to see this a little
better just right click here and go to
scale and scale to fit and now we can
see the full text displayed fully as you
can see here this five second clip of a
text is 149 frames and if we play this
it's just showing us the full text and
so what we need to do is go to the very
first frame which is frame zero go over
here highlight that and through 0 enter
now we're at the very first frame let's
scroll down here on the right side to
the right on feature so let's drag the
right side cursor over to the left and
you see it's disappearing from the right
side until it's fully disappeared this
is how the typing effect works you don't
see it from the very beginning then it
starts to show up so this is our first
frame and let's click this diamond to
give it a keyframe now it's red
that's the keyframe and we can go
somewhere in the middle the second phase
of making the typewriter effect work is
to show it fully so let's go somewhere
in the middle let's say at 80 frames
later then it's still invisible right
because it's still fully to the left
here but as we drag this to the right
now we can see the full text again and
it automatically created a keyframe
right there this shows you the gradual
appearance of the text and from here
from this keyframe the full text is
shown until the end till until the 149th
so now let's play this again from the
beginning it starts to type here you go
it's typing but it's way too fast
because it's only a 5 second clip and
the text is pretty long so we have to
add more seconds to this so what we do
is go back to the edit mode so this is
only a 5 second clip to show this and
it's too short so we can simply drag
this over and add 2 seconds 3 seconds 4
seconds 5 let's make it 10 seconds
another way to do that is I'm going to
undo that and another way to add seconds
to your clip is by right-clicking the
item and change clip duration you see
it's 5 seconds let's change that to 10
seconds enter so now it's 10 seconds and
let's play it from the beginning it's
still too fast because what we only did
was add time to the this part of it the
full text so to adjust the speed at
which it types we have to go back to the
fusion area and here is where you can
adjust that this bottom vertical line
here will adjust how quickly the text
will appear so we can drag it to the
right for a longer period of time to let
the text appear let's try somewhere over
here and let's go back to the beginning
play it ok so that that's a little fast
but that's pretty good
you can keep adjusting it the way you
want it it just depends on the length of
your text and how fast you want the
typewriter effect to work ok now back to
the Edit Page as you can see here this
part is red and this is starting to turn
blue DaVinci Resolve is is rendering
this text animation and when you see all
blue its
done when it's read or pieces are read
it's still rendering that animation for
the text okay so now let's go to a full
view press ctrl F and play ok that
looked pretty good so the other thing I
want to show you is if you want a white
background and black text or another
color text so let's just recreate this
by copying it select this press ctrl C
for copy drag this wherever you want to
start it ctrl V to paste and now we've
just copied that and to give it a white
background let's bring the text up one
level just drag this up one level here
so now we have a second video track and
what we're going to do here is create a
white background here and it's easily
done by going to toolbox generators
solid color drag that over and click
this item by default it's black let's
turn it white okay that and drag the
right side to match the text but we
don't see any text here because the text
is white so let's click the text area
and turn that to black okay it let's
wait for it to render here you go it's
turning blue almost done and it's done
so let's play this from this point and
now we have a white background with a
black text with the typing effect ok if
you wanted to adjust the way look make
sure your text is selected you can
adjust the size here and then you can
adjust the vertical position
by dragging the V anchor left or right
and also you can adjust the horizontal
anchor by dragging left or right okay
and if you adjust this h justify
horizontal justify if you bring it to
the right it will stretch V text and
from left to right fully here's it to
the left and here's it fully to the
right and you can move that around and
that's how you do the typewriter or
typing effect which is also called right
on feature in DaVinci Resolve