the world's most popular wordpress theme
of all time astra which breached the 1
million user mark
just recently in july 2020 got suspended
by wordpress because of some violations
policy violations regarding
some affiliate links so what the
suspension means
is that you cannot find and download
or install astra using the wordpress
dashboard let me show you this is my
wordpress dashboard
go to appearance themes i only have the
default theme installed if we go to add
usually you would find astra here if you
type astra
you'd see it right there and this is not
astra so don't get confused
don't install that one astra i believe
is the best free
wordpress theme because it comes with a
lot of templates
and also comes with other things that
make it really easy to produce
a professional looking beautiful website
but don't worry if you haven't installed
astra yet i have the download which you
can use to install it
manually and i'll show you how all right
so i'm going to install
astra through a manual process by
uploading the theme i already have the
file downloaded
i'll provide the link to the file for
the astra theme
that means you don't have to go to the
astra theme website and register for
that download
i've already done it and i'll just
provide you the link for that file
i'll just save you from that step of
registering for that download
so check the description section for
that link here we go let's
upload it now choose file and it's
called astra
it's a zip file you don't have to unzip
it open it
install unpacking installing
and it's successful let's go back to
before i activate it let me show you
what my website looks like right now
this is the default wordpress
installation 2020 theme
and now we're going to activate astra
and it's done now let's check
our website so this is the basic
astra theme which is very very very
we're not even going to deal with this
because this is the basic installation
of astra
we're going to install the templates let
me show you how to do that
back to themes and click theme details
over here it says astra options click
and on this column here it says import
starter template
so install that now we have to select
the page builder
i just like elementor because it has
more templates it comes with it comes
with 49 templates i think
beaver builder is in the 30s so you have
more options in elementor
alrighty here we go we are presented
with all the templates available to
install with astra and elementor
you can choose any one of these whatever
you like whatever
your business or hobby is okay for the
purpose of this exercise
let's just choose this pet template it's
called pet services
it comes with the home page about us
services and contact us okay so let's
import the complete site nothing to
change here
okay now it's done that took about one
minute to install the template
and it came with a lot of images and the
it also installed the visual page
builder elementor
let's visit the site so my demo
site now looks like this
that is cool i wish i had a pet shop or
with the template you just make your
changes you can change
this picture or image to any picture you
want you can change this
this all of these are editable they just
provided you with a template to
start with to make it easy for you to
get off the ground and start making
who we are
and this will work with non-pet content
nice they even have a video and get in
wow they have a google map going on
that's neat all this installed within
just a few minutes
and here is their contact form
sometimes these contact forms won't
work unless you do certain
and i can show you that in other videos
so you might want to subscribe to get
videos how to fix that how to edit your
page with elementor
and all kinds of good stuff so there we
go we were able to install
astra which was banned by wordpress
as of august 7 or 6
2020 and it'll last for five weeks
people can't
find this in the um repository of
themes but if you go to the description
section below you'll find the link
and i'll give you the file so you can
install it yourself
manually okay so let's go back to the
and theme details and let's look at the
templates again so remember there are 49
templates here and it's not all about
pet right
this one's about travel i think they
just added a new one here women in
photography shopping selling
shirts and merchandise restaurants
general services coaching
school there's all kinds of templates
for everybody here
that's why i believe astra is a really
good theme because it comes with
all these beautiful professional looking
and it comes with a visual editor or it
works with the visual editor
elementor and i think astra and
elementor is the way to go if you have a
small budget for your website
for more professional themes like what i
i use thrive themes and you can check my
website or
my other videos about thrive because it
gives you a lot more power
if you're an actual business selling
things and trying to make
real money so subscribe if you want to
also get some of that information
about how to run a more professional
conversion focused
website if you found this video useful
please give it a like
share it leave a comment or question and
i'll get back to you as soon as i can
thank you