hi I'm going to show you why I use
another app instead of tick-tock to edit
my videos let's do it
tick tock is great but it has its
problems when it comes to editing let me
show you what I mean I went on a walk
recently took some videos with my
phone's default camera so let's use
those files so to get started with the
editing let's click the plus button on
the bottom right here something to keep
in mind if you're only uploading one
file like I'll do now I'll click upload
here I'll choose a file that's 27
seconds right here upload by default
tick-tock is not going to assign a song
for this it's not going to automatically
cut this one video or trim it and then
you'll have to pick your own music for
it so that's a default when you upload
one file but let me show you if you
upload two files I'm going to select
another one here okay so there's two
files and I'm going to click Next so
look at that it assigned a song to it
and it cut the video up let's click the
adjust clip and see how long this is it
cut the first one to 6.8 seconds and the
second one to eight point two seconds so
it's giving you a 15-second song and it
automatically cut your video to fit that
and possibly to somehow match the
movement in the video with the highs and
lows of this sound of the song so
there's that difference of uploading one
file or uploading two or more files so
let me get out of here so I can choose
the walking files quit and uncheck those
the files I'm going to use for my
walking video or this this one this one
and this one so that's about 47 seconds
worth of video I'm going to click Next
so there you go it already assigned a
song and it cut up the video again
adjust cliff so it cut it to 3 seconds 3
seconds and 6 seconds to fit that
15-second song if you like the results
you can keep it and go next and upload
it to talk but the other way around this
is if you don't like what they gave you
you press default here ok so now in this
default editor you can select any of
your videos here the walking part and
you can trim it you can pause it you can
trim it drag this left or right or drag
it up there if you want more control
within tik-tok to work with your video
files you can do it this way using what
was called a default instead of the
sound sync my video is 23 seconds let me
click Next so now we're in the main
editor in tick-tock this is where you
can select sounds effects text and
stickers let me point out something if
you upload videos that were taken on
your cameras phone you're going to be
limited with your effects here I'm going
to click effects here and effects again
over here we're only given about 6
effects while if we took a live video
using the tic-tock camera and we'd get a
whole lot more like maybe over 30
effects available there is a limitation
keep that in mind when you just upload
straight from your camera versus using
the tic-tock application to do live
videos inside of it here's one of my
main problems with dealing with the
tic-tock editor once you're in here it
just keeps looping it just keeps playing
and looping I can't pause it I can pause
it in other places here but right now I
can't pause it in this main editor you
I can't rewind and I can't fast-forward
I can't jump into another part of the
timeline quickly so that's one of my
main problems which is why I use another
external editor to edit my videos when
it needs more of that control then the
other major editing problem is when you
add a text or a sticker it's applied
throughout the timeline then you can
adjust it and then when you adjust it
you'll see what happens let's add a text
just call it walking give it a
background done let's move it okay so
right now that walking text is showing
throughout the timeline but I don't want
to show it throughout the timeline so
I'm going to click it it's clickable
because it's visible set duration and
now I can adjust this text to only a
certain part of the timeline so I'm
going to put it only in the beginning
I'm going to okay that with the check so
my problem is now that it's gone it's
gone into the other section of the
timeline I can't select that text
component or that object so now have to
wait I can't back up I can't forward I
have to wait for the full video to cycle
through again until I can see it and
then I can select it now it's showing
now I can select it set duration I can
only do that when it's visible so this
is a main problem when things are pretty
short if your text or your stickers only
last for a couple seconds it's a pain
especially if your entire video is close
to one minute you're going to have to
wait one whole minute to get back to
selecting that text to edit it and the
other external video editor you don't
have to wait you can just pause it and
jump to that section where the text is
so that is my main problem and it works
the same way with stickers if I throw in
a sticker a heart select that
this repeating looping heart sort of a
gift animation will just keep going
because it's set forth throughout the
entire timeline by default I click on it
it's still selectable I can set the
duration to somewhere in the middle
and also except that if I wanted to edit
that heart right now I can't because I
can't see it I can't select it you can
only edit what you can see here goes
there it is now I can click on it now I
can set the duration readjust the
duration right now so that's a major
problem for me when dealing with
stickers and text and placing it around
and not having full control having to
wait for the video to loop again until I
can click it so that's my main problems
with editing and tic toc I'm actually
going to end this video here and show
you the better editing software or
software's in a succeeding video because
there's more than one software that does
it better than tic toc check the
description section below for the link
to the part two or check the end screen
you can also subscribe to the channel
and press the notification all so you
won't miss that video when I upload it