how do you adjust the saturation of a
video in DaVinci Resolve
in other words how can we turn a colored
video clip and remove the colors turning
it into a black and white clip or adding
more saturation or intensifying the
colors of a clip let me show you in just
a moment
okay here we are in the Edit Page of
DaVinci Resolve I have this clip and I
want to turn this into a black and white
clip it's really easy I just never tried
to look for it or never try to look for
the controls until now but it's super
easy but it's not that easy to find
because it's kind of set off in a little
small corner on another page so here you
go to turn this into a black and white
clip let's go to the color page and down
here make sure this is clicked on so you
can see the color wheels the four color
wheels and down here this mini mini
section down here is where you can
control the saturation and it's found on
toggle number one there's a toggle
number two for different controls but
toggle number one is where you can find
a saturation simply to turn this black
and white just put your cursor here and
start dragging to the left and you're
removing the colors of the clip and
there you go we're all the way at zero
so there's no more colors here but
another control that helps with this
image for your black and white image is
contrast if you adjust the contrast you
can see how it becomes a little bit more
distinct if it's all the way to the left
you're gonna see just a gray screen all
the way to the right it will be overly
contrasted so you just find the right
amount of contrast to your liking say
I'd say this is good and if I play that
there we have it we now have a black and
white clip and just to show you what it
looks like on a full screen let's bring
this back to the beginning press ctrl F
for full screen and play it there you go
and that concludes this video I just
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