in this tutorial we're going to add some
elements we interrupt our program to
bring you this important message now
this thing kill the kid but it's kind of
like I'm it's kind of like a mess that
keeps getting bigger and bigger every
one of you watching this screen look out
because soon very soon the most
horrifying monster men has ever
conceived will be boozing into this
oh that's the wrong blob here's the much
nicer blob in this tutorial we're going
to add some elements to this nice
underwater swimming photo we're adding
this little feature which is a new
feature in glorify app it's called the
blob maker and it's not about creating
square rectangular shapes about creating
randomized curved shapes
welcome to sharing your passion com
I'm Jill and my goal is to help you
transform your passions into an online
business I will assist you with creating
WordPress websites online courses email
automation membership sites social media
and how to make it work for you sales
and marketing and more basically you
provide the passion and I provide
assistance and let's work to get your
dream realized subscribe and click the
notification bell to set your dreams in
motion ok here we are at the glorify app
dashboard and we are going to make a
blob we're going to use the new feature
the brand new blob maker feature so
let's set a custom size which is 1080 by
1080 that would be good for Instagram
okay we have a blank 1080 by 1080
template let's bring in an image let's
go over here let's go here my files
uploads I don't have one yet so let's
upload an image I have something in my
temp folder which is underwater swimming
it's a nice image of a kid taken
underwater okay there it is and this is
actually a large image so we can just
zoom in on that just drag that over till
it covers the entire template reduce the
zoom okay now we just need some text
let's add text over here text let's add
a header text okay
wrong color let's make that white
ctrl-a to select all the text and just
say simmer and okay and let's make a
duplicate of this click that and this
little duplicate icon ctrl a in here and
say swimming swimming geez let's just
make this italics there bring this down
that's pretty good we don't really need
to do much there because it has a nice
dark gradient background but here it
works but it's bare so let's add a blob
let's throw a blob into the pool let's
go over here elements here we are a blob
maker defaults in red complexity means
and adds more sort of sides watch this
it's like a three sided blob you can
just drag that and it's changing the
blob is adding and growing okay so I
want something that's kind of going to
cover this area well that's pretty good
but let's just keep going and this is 31
complexity that's as complex as it gets
but if you generate a little randomize
that this 31 complexity can just keep
going until you find something you like
and contrast also makes the points a
little pointy err let's make it very
pointy contrast maximum now it looks
like a splash or a splatter if we bring
down the contrast it's just round so in
the middle it's not as you know sharp
let's bring our complexity down to half
way that's too pointy for me generate
okay that's just general let's just keep
generating until I find a nice kind of
bottom that's not too pointy
okay I think this might do
so let's add to canvas okay so now we
have this new blob and it's covering
everything because it's the newest layer
it so it's a top layer let's send this
blob layer down by clicking the down
button ok now we can see our font our
our text and if we move this over here
doesn't cover the it doesn't cover the
title fully so I'll have to grow this
blob okay so I'll just drag it over drag
that corner over still too small
blob needs to eat some more okay and
there we have it that's big enough it's
too red so let's change the color here
click the blob shape color let's go with
this sort of maroon color and there we
go now we have a nice blob background
which highlights the text I don't need
one down here and we're good to go we
can download this save it upload it to
our social media and our ad campaigns
there we have it
I hope that you won’t stop writing such interesting articles. I’m waiting for more of your content. I’m going to follow you.