hi I'm going to show you how to use da
Vinci results zoom and pan features so
you can smoothly go from this original
view to this zoomed in and pan view
during the video
welcome to sharing your passion this is
chill and let's get it on okay so let's
start from scratch I just opened up da
Vinci resolve 16 and let's get a video
clip in here right click this area the
media pull import media I already have
the folder here the proper folder let's
select the beach scene and let's drag
that down to our timeline so this is the
scene it's about 20 seconds these bikers
go biking over here and then there's a
lady walking over here and she'll be
falling backwards into the water at the
end so I basically have three segments
to this I'm going to zoom in here to
highlight the bikers and then the camera
the camera action actually zooms into
the lady who's who will be in focus and
then the third step or the third section
of this video clip is when she looks
around and falls back into the water I
want to zoom in and pan into that
specific area to highlight that area so
remember we're using zoom and pan
function in DaVinci Resolve let me just
run this video without any edits so you
can see what it looks like raw without
any edits okay here we go see I want to
highlight these bikers I want to
highlight this section right here and
then now it's going to zoom into the
lady that's the camera zoom it's not
resolved zoom and then I want to zoom
into her make her the focus with
some of the people in the background
okay so let's do that okay we have our
original video clip here okay now so
let's do a shift Z so we can see the
entire timeline shift Z okay this is the
whole timeline it's only about 22
seconds let me copy the video file I'll
go over here and paste it control V
control C to copy ctrl V to paste okay
so now I have two copies of that this is
the original and this is the one we'll
be editing to add our pan and zoom okay
to begin let's add a what-do-you-call-it
keyframe right here keyframe so look at
this tab it says audio we don't need a
audio let's go to the video tab and here
we are these diamonds are the keyframe
indicators so if you want a keyframe for
zoom you click that make that red if you
want a keyframe for position you click
that and make that red let's start with
the beginning frame of this clip so
let's give it a starting point for you
know starting at zoom one which means
it's the original zoom it's the original
resolution there's no zooming in or no
zooming out and position is at zero
that's where we want to start and let's
say maybe
okay so that whole biking scene takes
about C 31 to 22 about 10 seconds so
halfway through I want to zoom into them
like my zoom is completely done so let's
fix that zoom here soon and that's zoom
out I'm just dragging it to the right to
zoom in and with this link activated
that means the X and the y that means
the X and the y are in sync so you only
have to adjust one of these to zoom now
we have to pan this control is the
panning position I'm dragging the mouse
click to the left and it brings the
frame to the left the image to the left
and at some point you're going to run
out of space here see now you see some
black space there we don't want to be
showing any black space so let's just
end it at the edge match it match the
edge now let's control the position Y
the vertical axis so drag it to the
right to bring it down but sometimes it
just jumps to when you're out of the
frame here it jumps to a big number so
we got to bring it back down and just
get rid of that black space then you'll
be at the corner but it's too zoomed in
so let's bring it even lower okay so I
think that's the best position for this
zoom let's just zoom in a little bit
more drag it to the left
okay with the lady no longer in focus
that means we ought to adjust the
panning and the zoom so that she isn't
focused so let's bring the time back to
and the bikers left a scene okay right
around there now let's start some
panning and zooming mostly panning to
where that lady is so let's mark this as
one of the keyframes and let's go about
a few seconds in now I want her to be
over here
so let's adjust the position X that's
too much let's bring it about there well
let's bring it about there okay let's
see how that looks and let's lock in
this zoom and let's go back to the
previous keyframe click the left arrow
here and let's just play that okay so
now she's in focus K and she comes out
of focus because I'm so sumed in it's
easy to fall out of the scene so I just
keep adjusting the D position so over
here let's bring it over to the left
again so I'm just gonna get to the edge
where there's no black area here right
that's the most extreme and she's too
low so let's bring up the y-axis okay
let's see how that looks make sure I
click here maintain the zoom click the
left keyframe again so let's play that
okay so then she takes a dip she's a
little too low so let's adjust that so
she she's a little higher up and click
the left to find a last keyframe okay
and I know she's gonna end up down here
so I want to bring that up a little so
we can see her take that splash okay
I'll just move it I'll just move the
cursor over a little bit more and again
just tiny adjustments of maybe a little
zoom go towards the left
oops can't see any you can't have that
black edge showing up because we're out
of the scene so bring it to the edge and
a little lower and I think we'll be able
to see her now take that backward dip
let's play this
okay so let's replay the whole clip the
whole edited clip zooming to the bikers
there's that lady there we're gonna wait
until she passes the frame and then we
focus pan over to her the camera does
some zooming I'm not changing any zoom
right here she's looking around look
okay so let's compare that with our
original you can see how far people are
she's way over there the biker still
kind of you know tiny in comparison to
the whole screen and here's the zoom to
the lady
and she's kind of tiny that's why we
need that to zoom and she does hurt her
thing and here's the edited version it
just adds more dynamic you know focus
and keeps your eyeballs more in tune to
what's going on to this important part
of the scene see she's a lot closer now
than the original and you see her dip
okay I hope you understood that and now
know how to do your own zooming and
panning to help you make your videos pop
more I'll be doing a bunch more videos
like this where I make tutorials for the
latest version of DaVinci Resolve which
is version 16 right now I'll be showing
you other important video editing
techniques such as how to do motion
tracking using green screens and
creating some magic how to draw circles
rectangles to highlight certain areas of
the video how to join two or more clips
and I'll give you a lot of shortcuts on
how to make your editing process a lot
easier and quicker and much more so
subscribe and click the notification
bell and set it - also you can be
alerted as soon as those videos are
uploaded thanks for watching and go out
and create some awesome videos by the
way if you want a copy of that file I
just use the beach scene you can go to
the Facebook group for sharing your
passion so you just go to your search
bar type sharing your passion enter and
that's the group I'll be posting the
link to download that beach video file
so you know exactly how to do those
edits I hope you found this useful and
if so please give the video a like let
me know down in the comments section
below if you have other questions that I
haven't addressed and I'll certainly get
back to you as soon as I can I'll be
doing more videos like this so subscribe
and click the notification bell to see
those and remember it's my mission to
give you the tools and inspiration to
help you build your online business and
transform your passion into success
thank you